Lilith in Leo in the 10th House — Seeking Validation and Acknowledging Vulnerability

Tumi Tladi
4 min readOct 13, 2023


Navigating being unapologetically ambitious, while seeking recognition and admiration.

Astrology is a captivating tool that provides insights into the depths of our personalities and life experiences. Among the many factors that influence our astrological profiles, the placement of Lilith, also known as the Dark Moon, plays a significant role.

In this article, we’re exploring the captivating combination of Lilith in Leo in the 10th House, shedding light on how it might manifest in a person’s life and the underlying wounds and traumas it could bring to the surface. We’ll also look at some ways one can ago about with the healing and integration of these energies.

Lilith in Leo: The Star of the Show

Lilith in Leo is a combination of intense creativity, passion, and a longing to be the center of attention. Leo is ruled by the Sun, and it’s a sign associated with self-expression, creativity, and a desire to shine. When Lilith resides in Leo, it intensifies these traits, creating a personality that thrives on admiration and recognition.

The 10th House: The House of Career and Public Image

The 10th House in the astrological chart represents one’s career, reputation, and public image. It’s where we strive to achieve our goals and receive recognition for our efforts. Lilith’s influence in this house can significantly impact an individual’s public persona and life path.

Photo by Jorge Gardner on Unsplash

Manifestations of Lilith in Leo in the 10th House

Unapologetic Ambition

Individuals with this placement often have an unshakable ambition and a desire to excel in their chosen field. They seek positions of authority and are determined to achieve recognition and status in their careers.

Natural Charisma

Lilith in Leo in the 10th House bestows natural charisma and magnetism. These individuals have a way of drawing others in with their charm and self-assuredness.

A Need for Praise

There’s a deep need for praise, admiration, and acknowledgment of their accomplishments. They can be quite sensitive to criticism, as they invest a lot of their self-worth in external validation.

Creative Pursuits

Many people with this placement are drawn to creative and artistic careers, where they can fully express themselves and bask in the spotlight.

Underlying Wounds and Traumas

Rejection of the Ego

A significant wound associated with this placement may involve early experiences of having their ego or creative expression rejected or stifled. This could come from parental figures or authority figures, leading to a lifelong need to prove themselves.

Validation Seeking

The relentless search for praise and validation may stem from a feeling of not being “enough” just as they are. This can result from past experiences of not receiving the acknowledgment or approval they craved.

Fear of Being Ignored

The fear of being overlooked or not achieving the recognition they believe they deserve can be a powerful motivator but also a source of anxiety. This fear might be rooted in early memories of being ignored or overshadowed.

Balancing Individualism and Teamwork

Lilith in Leo in the 10th House individuals may struggle with finding a balance between their individual desires for recognition and the need to work as part of a team. Collaborative efforts can sometimes be challenging.

Healing and Integration


The journey to healing involves learning to validate oneself rather than relying solely on external praise. Building self-confidence and a strong sense of self-worth is crucial.

Creative Self-Expression

Engaging in creative pursuits, whether professionally or as a hobby, can be therapeutic. It allows for a healthy outlet for their creativity and a source of personal fulfillment.

Acknowledging Vulnerability

Recognize that vulnerability is a part of the human experience and does not diminish your value. Accept that seeking external validation can’t replace the importance of self-acceptance.

Balancing Personal and Professional Life

It’s essential to find a balance between pursuing a successful career and maintaining a fulfilling personal life. Prioritize self-care and relationships.

Therapeutic Support

Seeking counselling or therapy can help individuals with Lilith in Leo in the 10th House explore and heal past wounds and traumas related to self-expression and recognition.

In conclusion, Lilith in Leo in the 10th House creates individuals who are unapologetically ambitious, seeking recognition and admiration in their chosen fields.

While these traits can lead to professional success, they also bring to light underlying wounds related to self-worth and a fear of being overshadowed.

Healing and integration involve learning to validate oneself, embracing vulnerability, and finding a healthy balance between personal and professional life.

With self-awareness and a commitment to growth, individuals with this placement can channel their creative energy into a fulfilling and rewarding life.



Tumi Tladi

Writer • Filmmaker • Photographer • Intuitive Astrologer • Energy Healer • Social Activist • I go by @merakihandsbytumi • Experiencing. Exploring. Evolving.